
Why PhlexyUI?

PhlexyUI was born out of the admiration and the need to share with the community 2 projects that changed how we build apps: Phlex and DaisyUI.

  • Phlex allows you to build your interfaces in Ruby, a beautiful expressive and flexible language, which means that you get to build your views in the same way.
  • DaisyUI takes the power of TailwindCSS and distills it into semantic CSS classes that allows you to build beautiful interfaces with just a few lines of CSS, while allowing you to customize it with TailwindCSS on top of it.

As I used Phlex and DaisyUI more and more in my side projects, I found myself creating the same Phlex components for DaisyUI over and over. So I decided to create a gem to avoid repeating myself, while also sharing the amazing productivity boost that Phlex and DaisyUI bring to the table.

The main idea is to be able to use all DaisyUI components as Phlex components, which means not worrying about the specific CSS and HTML structure of each component, and instead providing an easy, and even more readable and semantic way to use them. Since they're built using Ruby, another benefit is that you can easily extend and modify them to your needs.


The first goal is to cover all the DaisyUI components. But afterwards, provide other useful components built on top of DaisyUI such as forms.

Contributions are welcome! If you want to contribute to PhlexyUI, please visit the GitHub repository for more details.